Soaked Oats

02 November 2011

My husband laughs at me often, because I frequently break out singing oldies. Not just any oldies though, mostly Motown. A tad too often "Stayin' Alive" by the Bee Gees goes through my head, and I fill in "Stayin' Alive" with whatever random thing I am doing. Yesterday morning was no exception. As I'm making the kids their pumpkin pie oatmeal, I start singing:

"Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother,
You're cookin' your oats, you're cookin' your oats.
Feel the city breakin', and everybody shakin', people,
Cookin' your oats, cookin' your oats.
Ah, ah, ah, ah, cookin' your oats, cookin' your oats,
Ah, ah, ah, ah, cookin' your o-o-o-o-o-ats!!!"

Now that you all have some insight to my kitchen survival techniques (yes, "I will survive" is running through my head), I will share how I prepare the oatmeal I do make. While you're not sprouting these oats, soaking helps break down the phytic acids. By soaking oats it makes them more digestible, and allows your body to absorb more of the nutrients from the grains. While it is an extra step the night before, it makes the oats cook in under five minutes the next morning. Five minutes is doable for most busy people.

Ingredients for Soaking:
4 cups of oats, rolled or steel-cut
4 cups of warm (aroun
d 110 degrees) filtered water
4 T whey or lemon juice

Ingredients for Cooking:
2-4 cups of boiling water
Salt (optional)
Fruit, nuts, milk - whatever extras you like in your oatmeal
Sweetener of your choice (we use honey)

- Combine all ingredients in the pot you will cook them in the next morning. Stir.
- Let sit a minimum of 7 hours but up to 24 hours is best. (I try to remember as I'm making lunch the day before I need them)
- On the morning you are making the oats add 2-4 more cups of boiling water (this depends on preference) with an optional pinch of salt and stir.
- Add in whatever else you like in your oatmeal.

If you are using an oatmeal recipe, like Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal, do not add more water in the morning. I still add the full amount of liquid that other recipes call for, but that is an issue of your consistency preference.


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