It's a Wrap

20 March 2009

I started using freezer paper, instead of freezer bags, last year to store bulk meat. Wrapping meat in the paper only takes a few extra seconds, but it's an easy way to save big!

The Break Down:

Reynolds Freezer Paper:

1 Large Roll of Freezer Paper, 150 sq ft (wraps 150 pieces of meat): $6.50
1 Roll of Masking Taple: $.50

Total: $7.00 + tax

Ziplock Freezer Bags:

7.5 boxes (how many needed to = 1 roll of freezer paper) @ $3.30/each: $24.75

Total: $24.75 + tax

Other benefits:

- Meat does not get freezer as easily burned b/c there is no trapped air
- Packages stack nicely in freezer


maryflorence said...

We buy our meat from the store and it's already wrapped and I love that! It says fresh so much longer!!

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