10 Healthy Eating Tips

17 March 2012

(taken from this site - italics are mine)


#1 Eat lots of Organic Vegetables and Fruits!

Veggies and fruits are low in calories, provide filling fiber, vitamins and minerals, and protect your health in many ways. Organic produce has superior nutrition without the insecticides and poisons found in ordinary produce. Eat as much of your produce raw as you can. Cooked or frozen is acceptable, but stay away from canned. Naturally fermented (lacto-fermented) vegetables, such as sauerkraut and kimchee, are very good for you as well.

#2 Eat Meat and Animal Products.

There are vital nutrients found in animal foods that cannot be found elsewhere. Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk are important staples in our diet. And their protein is important for preserving and building lean tissue – the muscle that burns calories!

#3 (If you're going to eat grains...) Eat Whole Grains-- Properly Prepared.

Grains should be soaked, sprouted, or fermented to be digestible for most people. Whole grain products that have not been properly prepared can cause mineral deficiencies and intestinal problems.

#4 Add Raw Milk Products to Your Diet.

Raw (unprocessed, unhomogenized, unpasturized) whole milk from grass fed cows is beneficial (for adults and children). It will boost your intake of calcium and other nutrients, and help your body shed unwanted fat

#5 Eat lots of "Good" Fats

The omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in butter, some fish (especially cod liver oil) coconut and palm oil and nuts are vital to health. Saturated fat, despite what you probably heard, will help you lose weight, does not cause heart disease, and is actually something the body needs for healthy functioning.


#6 Cut Out “Junk” Carbs-- Sugar and White Flour.

They sabotage your healthy diet in all but the smallest amounts. Use soaked whole grain flours and small amounts of natural sugars such as raw honey and organic maple syrup. Stay away from corn syrup-- it is worse than sugar.

#7 Greatly Reduce “Junk” and “Bad” Fats

Trans fats and processed oils (most of the oil you will find in the grocery store for cooking) are not only high in calories, but are loaded with harmful fatty acids that contribute to disease and obesity. Use butter and coconut oil for cooking, and other healthy oils like flax and olive oil raw for salads.

#8 Stay Away From Modern Soy Foods.

Soy is not a meat replacement and can block mineral absorption, inhibit protein digestion, depress thyroid function and contains potent carcinogens. Traditional soy foods are fine, if taken in small amounts and properly fermented, like in soy sauce, miso and tempeh. Avoid all products with soy proteins and isolates added to them.

#9 Avoid Processed Food.

Canned and processed produce, boxed meals, processed meat and cheese, protein powers and powered milk contain toxins and things that keep you fat-- such as MSG, rancid fats and cholesterol, hydrogenated oils and trans-fat, white sugar, and white flour, not to mention all the added colors, preservatives and artificial vitamins. Use unrefined sea salt and herbs to season your food instead of refined salt and MSG.

#10 Reduce or Eliminate Processed Alcohol.

Processed alcohol consumption tends to cause weight gain. Traditional homemade fermented unpasturized beverages, low in alcohol, on the other hand, are good for you in moderation.


Shelby Helm said...

Great post! I like the way you break it down so simply! We do paleo/primal at our house... a little hard with a 2video and 3Whitney year old that ut worth it. I was wondering about the alcohol tip. We try to do limited amounts of organic red wine. Can you give examples of the alcohol you are referring to? Thanks!!
Shelby from Flower Mound

Shelby Helm said...

Wow don't know how those words got so jumbled... typing this on my phone. Sorry! I have a two and three year old. Hope that makes more sense! Haha!

Diet Rite System said...

It is very informative post,

Healthy Eating Tips


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